Help us raise funds for the Heart Foundation

Abate Safe Co proudly supports The Heart Foundation and donates proceeds from all safes sales. You can be part of the solution in reducing heart disease in Australia.
The Heart Foundation is a charity dedicated to saving lives by making a difference to the heart health of all Australians. Money raised goes towards funding world class research, medical treatments and equipment. Encouraging Australians to make healthier choices and live healthier lives. Also supporting people affected by heart disease
This charity is close to the heart of the Director of Abate Safe Co. Experiencing life with a heart condition he understands the importance of raising funds to support life-saving research. “Supporting the Heart Foundation is a powerful way to positively change the future for all Australians to have healthy hearts. It is of great significance for me give back to the amazing medical professionals who have helped me” says Jason Catlow.
The vital work from the Heart Foundation has resulted in significant improvements and advances in Australian however continued support is needed. Heart disease remains the single biggest killer of Australian’s, responsible for more than one in three deaths every year.